New research

Our paper on procedural generation of decision making tasks is accepted to CoLLAs. Congrats to Xioaxuan, Lucas, and Mark!

New research

Helen's paper got accepted to PLOS Comp. Bio, Congrats Helen!

New research

Xinyu's abstract was accepted to COSYNE24. Well done Xinyu!

New award

Maxime and Lucas won the UNIQUE Excellence Scholarship. Congratulations!

New member

Lucas joined the lab as a Masters student. Welcome Lucas!

New member

Ali joined the lab as a PhD student. Welcome Ali!

New award

Motahareh won the UNIQUE Excellence Scholarship. Congratulations Motahareh!

New research

Helen's paper is now on BioRxiv.

New research

Ozhan's abstract was accepted to COSYNE23. Well done Ozhan!

New research

Helen's abstract was accepted to COSYNE22. Well done Helen!

New member

Mark joined the lab as a undergraduate researchers. Welcome Mark!

New award

Maxime won the Max and Jane Childress Entrance Fellowship in Physiology. Congratulations Maxime!

New member

Maxime joined the lab as a PhD student. Welcome Maxime!

New member

Motahareh joined the lab as a Masters student. Welcome Motahareh!

New award

Xiaoxuan won the UNIQUE Excellence Scholarship (Ph.D. level). Congratulations Xiaoxuan!

New member

Amirozhan and Helen joined the lab as undergraduate researchers. Welcome!

New member

Xiaoxuan joined the lab as a PhD student. Welcome Xiaoxuan!